Judge accepted bribe for haj pilgrimage

Tangerang District Court chief Judge Muhtadi Asnun accepted Rp 50 million in bribe from defendant Gayus Tambunan to cover his minor haj pilgrimage, an investigation has found.

Chairman of the Judicial Commission Busryo Muqodas said Saturday Muhtadi confessed to the commission members he used the money to add his budget for the pilgrimage, which he performed after acquitting junior tax official Gayus of corruption charges on March 12.

Judicial Commission member Soekotjo added that Gayus handed over the money to Muhtadi at his home one day before the court’s verdict was delivered.

Busyro said the commission would question Haran Tarigan and Bambang Widyatmoko,
two other members of the panel of judges that cleared Gayus of charges, on Monday.

Gayus amassed suspicious funds amounting to Rp 28 billion in his personal bank account, but the bulk of the money is believed to have gone to police investigators, prosecutors and judges in exchange for his acquittal.